• corrupt = korrupt
    • All I had to do was give him money, turns out the police officer was corrupt.
  • jailer = Gefängniswärter
    • I am being held here by my jailer.
  • bribe = Bestechung
    • I gave the corrupt police officer a bribe.
  • mugger = Straßenräuber
    • When I walked into an alley, the mugger jumped out and stole my money
  • traveling = reisen
    • I went traveling to Rome.
  • sand = sand
    • The sand ran through my fingers on the beach.
  • drought = dürre
    • California consistantly got very little rain, therefore it was in a drought.
  • Chupacabra = Ziegensauger
    • The Chupacabra is legend about a goat that sucks the blood out of farm animals
  • evidence = Beweis
    • I found evidence that james did in fact murder Charles
  • hazardous = gefährlich
    • The hazardous trail caused me to sprain my ankle
  • to rape = vergewaltigen
    • To rape someone should be a terrible crime.
  • abandoned = verlassen
    • My mom abandoned me at the grocery store, hopefully she remembers and comes back
  • burden = belastung
    • I have been carrying the burden of a secret for years
  • La Llorona = legend
    • La Llorana has been wailing for years
  • to fear for somebody = um jmd. Angst haben
    • I fear for my grandma’s life
  • to urge somebody = auffordern
    • I urge you to reconsider
  • to be annoyed (by somebody) = genervt sein (von jmd.)
    • I am very annoyed at my sister
  • vigilant = aufmerksam
    • I need to stay vigilant to figure out who ate my candy
  • to be desperate = verzweifelt
    • I am desperate to cross the border
  • to cater for somebody = for jmd. Sorgen
    • I have catered to you for years, I am done
  • coyote = kojote
    • The Coyote guided us across the border
  • to be angry (with somebody) = wütend sein (über jemanden)
    • I am angry with my father for not sending for me sooner
  • to struggle for survival = ums Überleben kämpfen
    • We struggled to survive in that desert, almost dying in the process
  • El hada madrina = gute Fee
    • My El hada madrina made my dress like in cinderella
  • farewell = Lebewohl
    • I must say farewell to my family
  • sun = Sonne
    • The sun shone today
  • heat = Hitze
    • The heat is really getting to me, im sweating through my clothes
  • to sweat = schwitzen
    • I just sweat through my favorite shirt
  • water = Wasser
    • Finally, water, I’ve been so dehydrated
  • bravery = Tapferkeit
    • It took a lot of bravery to leave Mexico
  • family = Familie
    • I left my family today
  • to overcome = überwinden
    • I overcame a large struggle today
  • grandma = Oma
    • My grandma came to see me today
  • sister = Schwester
    • My sister really annoyed me
  • family heirloom = Familienerbstück
    • My parents passed down this necklace through generations, I guess this is a family heirloom
  • desolation = Verwürstung
    • Staring at the desolation really brought things into perspective
  • grimly = grimmig
    • I grimly looked out at the path before us
  • donkey = Esel
    • I really needed a break, so I rode the donkey for a few miles
  • tension = Spannung
    • The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife
  • content = zufrieden
    • I am very content with my life
  • makeshift = behelfsmäßig
    • We made a makeshift bed out of some hay and a sheet
  • to wail = heulen
    • The lady wailed in grief
  • gruesome = grausig
    • That death was gruesome, there was blood everywhere
  • pitiful = bedauernswert
    • The dog let out a pitiful whine
  • to disguise = verkleiden
    • I disguised my self as a man to trick the army  
  • to hitch a ride = per Anhalter mitfahren
    • I hitched a ride on the back of a pickup truck
  • to benefit = nutzen
    • I can benefit from others misfortune
  • goosebumps = Gänsehaut
    • It was so cold I had goosebumps
  • thunder and lightning = Donner und Blitz
    • Thunder and lighting rained down from the sky
  • feet = Fuße
    • I put my shoes on my feet
  • ankle = Knöchel
    • I sprained my ankle
  • knee = Knie
    • I fell to my knees
  • hand = Hand
    • My hand really hurt after that high-five
  • barbed wire fence = Stacheldrahtzaun
    • I tried to climb over the barbed wire fence without cutting myself
  • conspiracy = Verschwörung
    • There is a conspiracy theory that the world is flat
  • shelter = Schutz
    • I used this shelter to stay out of the rain
  • mirage = Fata Morgana
    • There was a mirage in the distance, I thought I saw water for a time
  • camouflage = Tarnung
    • I need to camouflage myself when hunting
  • to vanish = verschwinden
    • I vanished, never to be seen again
  • to surrender = aufgeben
    • I surrendered to the enemy by waving my white flag